
Crystal Red Shrimp - (No Online Purchases)

Caridina shrimp aren’t quite as hardy as Neocaridina shrimp, so you may need to be a little more intentional about cultivating and maintaining ideal water parameters. If you can provide them with the following parameters you will see good results.

  • Temperature: 20 to 25 degrees
  • pH: 6.0 to 6.8
  • kH: 0 – 1 dKH
  • gH: 3 – 6 dGH
  • TDS: 100-150
Scientific Name Caridina cf. cantonensis
Tank size (optimal)  ~40 liters)
Breeding Medium (a high order shrimp)
Size 2.5 – 3 cm
Optimal Temperature 20 – 25°C 
Optimal PH 6 – 6.9 will tolerate and have adapted to range as high as 7.2
Nitrate Less than 20 ppm
Diet Algae eater/omnivore
Temperament Peaceful
Life span 1-2 years

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