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Dwarf Chain Loach - In Store Pick Up Only
Dwarf Chain Loach are a bottom dwelling fish that does very well when kept in a number to school and look great in an aquarium and perfect for cleaning up left over food.
Dwarf Chain Loach originates from Cambodia. Laos and Thailand where they are now critically endangered.
Maximum Size and LongevityIn the wild, the Dwarf Chain Loach is a bottom-dwelling omnivorous fish.
They are not difficult to feed in an aquarium and it can be given a varied diet of Tetra Crisps, Tetra Colour Bits, bloodworms, flake food, live, frozen foods, freshwater shrimp and vegetable matter.
Like all fish, Dwarf Chain Loaches will relish the addition of live foods (such as black worms), They will also eat any snails within the aquarium.
CompatibilityThis beautiful peaceful fish with spectacular designs of silver spots on a black back it makes an excellent addition to a community tank