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Northfin Jumbo Formula 500g - 4mm - Slow Sinking

Northfin Jumbo is one of the best fish food - no fillers, no artificial pigments, no by products and no artificial hormones. Just high grade ingredients ideal for your fish enhancing their health and colour naturally.

It's what Northfin doesn't put in that makes it a fantastic fish food - no fillers, no artificial pigments, no by products and no artificial hormones. Just high grade ingredients ideal for your fish enhancing their health and colour naturally.

Made for your larger cichlids and tropical fish that require a larger more substantial size pellet.

Utilising a low heat steam extrusion is an important process which preserves the ingredients natural goodness.

This combined with the extrusion process is a beneficial way preventing the ingredients degrading and loosing nutrient and vitamins and allows your fish to take this in while feeding and digesting.

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